About Me

As a Holistic Health & Wellness Coach, my gift for you is to walk alongside you as you journey towards the health and life of your dreams.

I was raised on the Big Island of Hawaii where we lived on and off of our own land, growing organic food, eating a healthy plant-based diet, going to the beach, hiking to the volcano, and fully respecting and enjoying nature. My environment consisted of good people, good vibes, and a nurturing space to grow, learn and explore. It all helped shape my understanding of our connection to the planet, every other human being as Ohana/Family, a relationship to a source that is greater, and mindfulness all play a big part in my overall well-being. 

Then things changed in my adult life.

Like many people, I got caught in the rat race of just going to work to pay bills, raising a family, and putting everyone else's needs before my own. At my lowest point, I was suffering from severe depression and felt like my life was going nowhere. 
Somehow I had lost myself, was stuck in a rut, and didn't know how things would get better. 
One day, I realized I had to start giving myself the love that I was giving to everyone else and make myself a priority. That simple decision to choose me first for once was the beginning of my beautiful transformation. When we are fully conscious on a day-to-day basis, it raises our vibration so that we are truly able to live our “best life.” 

When you vibrate higher in every aspect of your life, that’s where the true magic of you lies.

My goal is to help you get in the driver’s seat of your life and head in the direction of full health and abundance. No matter where you are in your life or how you got there, you’re worthy of having the life of your dreams. Together we’ll begin to make positive and productive steps in the right direction. 

My Approach

Jai’s Expertise

Having been in the healthcare industry for over 20 years, I always had the desire to serve and help others. As I saw more and more patients coming into the operating rooms due to heart disease, obesity, diabetic issues, cancer, etc., my focus shifted. Knowing that a lot of the reasons the patients were getting surgery could easily be prevented by lifestyle change inspired me to shift my position in the role I’d play in healthcare. I switched my focus to assisting with holistic wellness for healthy living vs seeing patients come in fighting to survive.

Holistic Health

Wellness is defined as the optimum state of health for someone. It’s when the physical, mental, and spiritual states of a person are in harmony with each other and are perfectly balanced. Holistic means ‘of the whole.” How is holistic health applied? Let us take a case of heart disease and explain. The physical results are shortness of breath while resting, blocked blood vessels, swelling of the legs or ankles, etc. The traditional way in our society is to medicate the symptoms rather than address the root cause of the condition. When approaching various health issues from a holistic point of view, it`s approached in two ways. The first is treating the physical problem of the person. 

Personal Growth

The second is delving deeper into the person's life to find out where the issue is originally coming from. Heart disease doesn’t occur overnight, it could simply begin as too much stress at work, marital problems, loss of a job, eating for comfort, and so on. Working with people to feel better as `a a whole` helps them feel better in all aspects of their life and that motivates them to make healthier choices that that last.

My Services

Learn more about my 1:1 coaching and wellness programs for individuals, couples, and groups.

“If you want to go fast go alone but if you want to go far go together.”

An African Proverb
